I wonder

I wonder why there is still injustice. Regardless of many talks and solidarity. Is there an anonymous enemy behind the curtains? Why there is no one ( a country, a president, and/or an authority) taking action?
There has been a lot of talk about Palestine, Gaza, and Iraq. Yet, things are getting much worse.
I believe it is all back to more money and power. All these freedom speeches mean nothing. Means nothing in front of the flow of power.

However, how much power do they want and need to end these inhumane acts? How much money do they want and need; so that no innocent families and children are being killed.
What kind of strategy do we need? How many people should talk about it? What kind of tools do we have to acquire/have to end this suffering? What kind of science, literature has to be shown to stop all this madness?

These are not easy, nor difficult questions. I am not saying these are the “just”. Nonetheless, I can see no change. Many kids and innocent people are being killed in many parts of this world. Is it greed? Or is it the desire of seeing more blood? In what sense? Is there a hidden agenda, behind all this?
I still wonder…



Mostafa Al awamry (pen name: Abelardus Amadeo)

Basically, i write to belong. I am quite interested in humanitarian studies as well as poetry.